Monday, August 4, 2008

My last Monday in Africa :(

I can't believe it has finally come, my last week. What a weird feeling it is that next week at this time I will be home in the hustle and bustle of every day life. I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. I have had the best time and experience since I've been here. I owe so much to the kids for teaching me so much about life, love, fun, and happiness. I know that the lessons they have taught me will be with me forever. I wouldn't trade my time here for anything in this world! I expect that this week will go by as fast or faster than every other week since I've been here. From hearing from other volunteers who have already gone home, I know that it's going to be a weird adjustment coming home. I will take some getting used to driving my own car, sleeping under no mosquito net, doing laundry in a washing machine (I can't wait to do this) and eating normal food. I know I'm going to miss and be thinking about the kids constantly! Hopefully I can take what I've learned here and apply it in my own community with the opportunities I've been given there. I know that there are kids who need love and attention in America just as much as the ones here in Africa. That's another thing that is going to take some getting used to.......white children..... haha. It will be weird walking down the road and not hearing small children yelling out OBRUNI! OBRUNI! OBRUNI CO CO! (the co co part means red and is always directed towards me because of my African sun burns:)) I am excited to get home and see everyone and finally be clean. I definitely have bitter sweet feelings about it.


Diane said...

Taylor, your experience has been amazing. We have been uplifted by just reading about your experiences - I can only imagine what it is like to actually live them. You are right, you will always hold your Africa friends in your heart and remember them forever. That is as it should be. We love you!

Ty and Whit said...

I am so glad that you've gotten everything out of this experience that you wanted to, you worked hard and played along the way! i cant wait to see pictures and hear more stories! I'm sure this experience has changed you and will have an affect on your whole life. You are so lucky to have done this! enjoy your last week! love you!

Remember Who You Are said...

Taylor, you are GREAT, WONDERFUL, and EXTREMELY UNDERSTANDING. Thank you for teaching all of us what is most important in life. We all need to help one another. Love one another constantly. Don't forget that part of your training. We are all H.F.'s children and He loves all of us the same. We must do that in our everyday life. Because of your experiences, I will definitely try harder to be a better person to others. We will be pleased to see you again and hear of everything and see all of your pictures. Love you, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

UncleBinRS said...

Hi Taylor, Boy we sure do enjoy hearing about all of your eperiences, What a great opportunity you have had. Make this week the BEST. Taylor thru this experience you have truely made a difference, not only to the beautful children of Ghana but also tome our family and to everybody else who have enjoyed hearing about your experiences. We are very proud of you!!!!!! Come home knowing you made a difference!!!!! We know you will continue this work when you get home how do we know you will ..... because you are our Taylor. We love you and look forward to seeing you again